- Student Accident Insurance Plan
- Bullying Summary of Incidents (Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying)
- Missing_Children_Notice_-_OH
- Public Notification of Nondiscrimination
- Wellness Policy
- Wellness Policy Assessment Tool
- Student Wellness and Success Funds & Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid Plan – SY2024 and SY2025
- Public Record Notice PDF
- Board Policies
- Tobacco Use Policy
- Anti-Harassment: Consistent with the Board’s Anti-Harassment Policies (1662, 3362, 4362, 5517), the Board has designated the following as its Anti-Harassment Compliance Officers:
- Molly Clapper
Director of Special Ed & Pupil Services
2222 Marion- Mt. Gilead Road
Marion, OH 43302
(740) 389-8503
The Compliance Officer will be available during regular school/work hours to discuss concerns related to unlawful harassment, to assist students, other members of the District community, and third parties who seek support or advice when informing another individual about “unwelcome” conduct, or to intercede informally on behalf of the individual in those instances where concerns have not resulted in the filing of a formal complaint and where all parties are in agreement to participate in an informal process.
- Molly Clapper
- Section 504/ ADA Prohibition Against Disability Discrimination in Employment
Consistent with the Board’s Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Disability Discrimination in Employment Policies (1623, 2260.1, 3123, 4123) and the Board’s Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Discrimination Based on Disability (2260.01), The Board has designated the following as its Section 504 Compliance Officer / ADA Coordinator:- Molly Clapper
Director of Special Ed & Pupil Services
2222 Marion- Mt. Gilead Road
Marion, OH 43302
(740) 389-8503
- Notice of Section 504/ADA Procedural Safeguards and Rights
- The District Compliance Officer is responsible for coordinating the District’s efforts to comply with and fulfill its responsibilities under Section 504 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended (“ADA”). A copy of Section 504 and the ADA, including copies of their implementing regulations, may be obtained from the District Compliance Officer. The District Compliance Officer will oversee the investigation of any complaints of discrimination based on disability, which may be filed pursuant to the Board’s adopted internal complaint procedure, and will attempt to resolve such complaints. The Board will provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging violations of Section 504/ADA.Nondiscrimination and Equal Educational Opportunity
- Molly Clapper
- Consistent with the Board’s Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity Policies (1422, 3122, 4122) The Board Designates the following as its Compliance / Civil Rights Coordinator:
- Aaron Stewart
Assistant Superintendent
2222 Marion- Mt. Gilead Road
Marion, OH 43302
(740) 389-8542
This person is responsible for coordinating the District’s efforts to comply with applicable Federal and State laws and regulations, including the District’s duty to address in a prompt and equitable manner any inquiries or complaints regarding discrimination, retaliation or denial of equal services.
- Aaron Stewart
Missing Children—Prevention and Reporting
How to Prevent Child Abduction, Kidnapping, and Missing Children
- Monitor your child’s use of electronics, cellphones, gaming, computers
- Monitor your child’s online activity including social media accounts, who they are friending, following and chatting
- Track your child’s location on their cell phone
- Enable safety devices or parental controls
- Enhance privacy settings on social media sites, limiting access by preventing “public” viewing
- Communicate with your child and keep the line of communication open regarding safety and security of their personal information
- Save your child’s fingerprints and current photo for easy access, update this yearly. Obtain your free kit at https://www.childsafekit.com
What to do if your child is missing? If you believe hour child is missing, do not wait, you must report it immediately.